Wedding Day Timeline
Exchange of vows, humorous toast speeches, and enjoying the day with family and friends; these are some of the exciting and amazing parts of your upcoming big event! Most of the time, these wedding highlights are mostly what couples and their guests look forward to during the special event. However, in order to fully enjoy your big day’s best moments, you have to deal with the “not-so-sexy” parts and sections of the wedding day planning process (we’re looking at your wedding run sheet!).
The Significance of Creating a Wedding Day Timeline
No matter how much you want to freeze the beautiful moments of your celebration, your wedding day is most likely just a one-day affair. Yes, some couples may opt to do some pre-wedding or post-wedding events to maximize their time but this could, of course, entail some extra costs and extra effort for everyone (including your guests). If you’re an engaged couple who chose to ditch the multiple wedding events to focus on a one-day affair, this blog is for you. With lots of things going on during your big day, it can be pretty overwhelming to ensure that everything is in place.
Here are some questions you may ask yourself:
Would we be able to entertain all of the guests without ruining the day’s schedule?
Would we be able to maximize our time for a wedding photo shoot while still enjoying the beautiful moments of our wedding?
Would we be able to fit everything within the wedding day time frame?
If these are pretty much the questions (and worries) that have been running through your mind, creating a wedding day time sheet is something that you should consider. I know it’s tough (and boring) but this planning factor is one of the most important matters that you shouldn’t take for granted. But hey, my partner and I are pretty spontaneous!! Maybe we can just go with the flow during our wedding? Unfortunately, being spontaneous doesn’t always work during the big day. With lots of things to consider (guests, vendors, formalities, etc.), being unconscious about your schedule might not be the most practical thing to during your wedding. But do you know the good news? We can actually help you build your run sheet for your day!
How to Make Your Wedding Photo Shoot Schedule Like a Pro
With numerous opportunities for working with various couples, we have come up with a schedule pattern that works not only for the bride and groom but also for the wedding vendors and photographers.
Without further ado, let’s dive into this photographer’s point-of-view run sheet!
Lovely Details (30 minutes)
This entails the time where your photographer will creatively capture the fine and tiny details of your wedding. Apparently, even the littlest details of your wedding have a part in telling the wonderful story of your day. This includes shooting the wedding dress, the groom’s suit, the engagement ring, the wedding rings, the vows, and anything that has a sentimental value for the couple.
Getting Ready with the Groom (30 minutes)
Since the bride and groom typically do their preparations separately, it would really be ideal to photograph the getting ready photos on both sides. For instance, shooting the groom’s prep will give the bride an idea of the amusing things that went on inside the men’s preparation room. Since men are generally quirkier then women (sorry ladies!), it would be entertaining to see all those funny antics that took place during their getting ready session. From humored conversations over a beer to the way they chill after everything’s settled, capturing the Behind the Scenes of the groom’s side will surely be worth it!
Getting Ready with the Bride (30-40 minutes)
Considering the longer prep time of women, this part of your wedding schedule can be a bit extended compared to the men’s. To maximize your time, you can ask your bridesmaids’ to help you prepare everything that needs to be done.
Here are some other tips:
Prior the photographers arrival, ensure that the bride-to-be is just dealing with her final touches. This is a great time-saver!! Besides, the bride’s freshest look during the getting ready part is in the last minutes of her hair and makeup styling.
Before the photographer arrives, ensure that all clutter (things you do not want in the background of photographs) is removed. This will aid in making this part of the photo session flow smoothly as well as save time.
Make sure that the bridesmaids are done dealing with their hair and makeup before the photographer’s arrival. However, they should wait for the photographer before they dress up so those adorable robe shots can be captured!
Individual Portraits (30 minutes each for bride and groom)
Right after prep is the best time for individual portraits of the bride and groom. Besides hair and makeup just being done to perfection, and the day has not yet gotten hectic, we are able to take our time to get those stunning photos. You only become a bride and groom once so it’s really important to capture how amazing (and how happy) you look during your much-awaited and well-planned day. Shooting your individual portraits should immediately take place after the getting ready session, so make sure that you allocate at least 30 minutes each to spare before the couple shoot and the official ceremony starts!
First Look (15-30 minutes)
This is one of Spot A Shot Photography’s favorite parts of the special event. Doing a first look is highly recommended to take off the pressure from everything that’s going on during your day. Aside from seeing the excitement in each other’s eyes once they set sight on their soon to be significant other, I have witnessed the shift from the couple’s tension to relaxation. Somehow, the hustles and efforts of the day (and all the time prior to the wedding) are lifted from their shoulders. NOTE: Depending on whether or not the couple chooses to do a First Look, the following timeline items 6-8 can be done before or after the ceremony.
Couple’s Portraits (45-60 minutes)
Once the bride and groom are done with the first look, it’s finally time to do their couple’s portraits! To make the session more creative for both of you, you could search for a couple of photo ideas from different sources such as Pinterest or Instagram. If you still need help or have any questions, your photographer will be helpful in teaching you some poses and securing some wonderful shots that are totally Instagram-worthy! Who doesn’t want that, anyway?Wedding Party Shoot (45-60 minutes)
The time will generally depend on the number in your wedding party. Coordinate with your photographer beforehand so he has an idea of what to expect and how to maximize the shoot. Having a list of specific shots and a point of contact to coordinate who will be in such shots will make this session move right along.
Family Photos (45-60 minutes)
Your family photos don’t have to be traditional and formal. Who says that you can’t have fun while shooting with your loved ones? Strike your quirky pose and think of the best photo ideas so you could have amusing (and unforgettable) memorabilia with your beautiful family! To come up with amazing family photo ideas, you can check out social media, I believe that there are gems out there! Again, having a list of specific shots and a point of contact to coordinate who will be in such shots will make this session move right along.
Ceremony (60 minutes)
Before the arrival of guests, a must for photographers would be to shoot the beauty of your wedding venue details. These details include the aisle, the flowers, the decorations, and the view (if there’s any). After encapsulating the location, there comes the ceremony! From the entourage to the bride’s arrival, starting the ceremony is a magical moment in itself. And of course, let’s not forget the groom’s reaction, the exchange of vows, and the couple’s first wedding kiss!
Location Shoot (60 minutes)
If there is a special location or spot between the ceremony and venue sites or at either, this is when a location shoot will take place. Of course, there is always the opportunity to have a pre or post-wedding photo session. Spot A Shot Photography can coordinate this for you.
Reception and Venue (30 minutes)
Just like in the ceremony venue, the reception area should also be captured before your guests are seated. Shooting your empty banquet venue will capture all the efforts that took place behind the preparation of your day. Once the guests have arrived, the photographer can then proceed on shooting all the beautiful moments of the night. From the traditional formalities to the joy-filled party, everything in your reception is picture-worthy!
Couple Reception’s Sneak Out (30 minutes)
What a better way to finish the day and capture that epic sunset? Have some time for yourselves by doing a couple “sneak out” while your guests are having fun on the dance floor!
We are So Excited About Your Day!
Dealing with your timetable shouldn’t be an overwhelming experience! After all, its primary purpose is to allow you to maximize your time and allow you to relax and enjoy your special day!
If you’re still in the hunt for the best New Hampshire wedding photographer to work with you during this exciting time of your life, don’t hesitate to reach out. I am looking forward to helping you achieve your wedding photography goals in the most professional (and most fun) way!